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Poetry I

Original Poetry

The following poems are unreleased and remain intellectual property of Jon Mark Castleman, any republishing, use, or release by anyone else will result in legal action unless otherwise agreed upon prior to use. Please contact me for the rights or additional information. 

Sand (2019)

Welcome to the shore I say,

A voice blended with thousands,

An existence of dismal peace,

Alone within the company of many,

I am but a shard of a broken home,

A home of a long gone seafarer,

A wave rushes along the glassy water,

Its crash causes a disturbance between us,

The tiny voices of many now echo as one,

I wonder about the world above,

A bird soars as the children play,

But as the day grows old they too disappear,

They disappear like the hopes of many,

But what is hope to me?

For I am nothing but a grain of sand.

Image by Joel Vodell

Paper walls (2023)

Paper walls when nukes fall,

Will only be set ablaze,

And hollowed out words,

From hollowed out heads,

Mean nothing to the dead,


Cheap political talk,

And empty state action,

Create nothing but fuel,


Some say let it burn,

Others say preserve it,

But most just turn and run,


But running from our problems,

Will only get us more,

And stacking up our problems,

Will eventually block our door.

Image by Burgess Milner

Cycle of the State (2022)

When dust clears,

Throughout the years,

A tiny sound of victory,

Brought to my ears,

By pious cheers,

Another page in history,

The king is dead,

He’s lost his head,

Now gone is all our misery,

But time will tell,

If freedom’s yell,

Will preserve a fabled liberty,

As it is shown,

And often known,

True freedom’s cost is security.

Image by Jon Tyson

Pine tree (2023)

Arms outstretched,

I reach for you,

Turning to face your light,

The wind blows,

The birds sing,

Northing can match your glory,

And as I grow,

Time will show,

How strong my roots will be.

Pine Tree

Freedom's Fire (2023)

Oh how beautiful the fire is,

As it spreads across the floor,

Oh how bright the lights are,

As they flash with red adorned,

One house burns,

To the ground it falls,

There’s beauty in destruction,

And freedom in its walls.

Fire Alarm

Rulers (2022)

Do rulers make mistakes,

Are their inches clearly marked,

Will it keep its oath of office,

Will we be here when it’s gone,

If one foot becomes two when its shown in the light,

Will its tone suddenly change when its in for the night,

If rulers only measure their own length of lies,

Then rulers will span the length of our own great demise.

Man in Car
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